The Jerusalem Meital Center delivers a unique training program for therapists of sexually abused children.
Child sexual abuse usually occurs by a familiar person. This abuse has extensive mental impact and its treatment requires the therapist to have diverse skills. The therapist must be able to work with a wide age range and treat a wide range of symptoms. An understanding of the consequences of sexual trauma is necessary, as well as knowledge in therapy for the victims’ parents.
The therapist must have expertise in field-specific issues, such as, ongoing trauma and its effects, secrets, dissociation, victimhood and guilt, body and sexuality, unique transference relationships, intra- and extrafamilial sexual abuse, criminal procedure, crime victim rights, and more.
The therapeutic concept of Meital Center aims to process the sexual trauma and its impact on the lives of the patients and their families, by understanding that the abuse arises from and affects the entire fabric of life.
Training objective: the program is designed to train therapists to specialize in this field theoretically and practically within an inclusive and supportive professional framework that allows contact with difficult emotional materials.
Training syllabus: training includes theoretical and clinical studies, practicum and individual training.
Therapists who meet all training requirements will receive a certificate on behalf of A Home for Every Child in Israel – Meital Center. Training duration: 2 years